
School children helping with an entry for the CCS hoarding competition


Our staff regularly step out of their comfort zone to raise money for good causes

How We Act


We sponsor the Derbyshire Brain Game in aid of Marie Curie


John Kirkland reading to primary school pupils on World Book Day

As a family company we hold family values – togetherness, support for each other, trust and loyalty.  We believe in the power of community. Working together for the common good.

We want to make a positive impact on the communities in which we work and we do this in a number of ways. We create employment both directly and through our supply chain. We donate time, money and materials to various community groups and charities. We appreciate the impact construction can have on a community and our site teams – many of whom live in those communities – do all they can to minimise disruption, protect the environment, promote health and safety and support many local groups.

Considerate Constructors Scheme

The Considerate Constructors Scheme (CCS) seeks to improve the image of the construction industry, requiring sites to promote best practice and reduce the negative impacts of projects on local communities. As a scheme Partner, all our sites are signed up to the scheme which also operates a complaints procedure.

Support for Local Employment

Our supply chain strategy is based on providing fair opportunities for local people and businesses where we work.

Schemes to recruit and train people locally are monitored and measured on a site specific basis.